28 November 2006

my two loves don't coincide
one must live and one must die
it's killing me not to decide
which will answer "who am i?"

though this world can hypnotize
in the end it's only lies
my only futures found in Christ
so on that goal i'll fix my eyes

i'm a refugee in a world that's not my own
i'm a refugee till my Savior brings me home

my cravings for this fallen world
ruins me for heaven's life
forgive me my adulterous ways
from now on to live is Christ



sherlock said...

hey beks, the carnival looked like fun! i like the song. say hi to felicity for me.

Anonymous said...

no flippin way.
i was so going to post that song on my blog today.


thanks for coming yesterday. today you will enjoi it more because i am so loopy on drugs i can hardly think straight. or walk. or see.

but without them, i would be even more out of it on pain so it's all good.

God is so faithful!!!!!

overthinker said...

what's been going on?
oh my.

short version: a ford250 hauling a flatbead trailer thought he could make a left turn in front of me. since my ford was less than 20 feet away, it didn't quite work out that way. instead we had a front-end collision. needless to say i no longer own a ford, and i have some painkillers and muscle medicine from a docter. which makes me whoozy and sleepy, but since i can't hardly move without hurting anyway it doesn't much matter. the guy who hit me felt very bad and apologized and told the cops the truth that i was in the right of way. so it has a happy ending.

the end.
i think i will post about it on my blog since my fam thinks i should.

Anonymous said...

haha! no I didn't take the picture. There's not a whole lot of ice in Pasadena - well, outside the freezer at least.

So is that the church that the Cooks are at?

overthinker said...

hi. i assume you're talking about the marvelous church beks is apart of (as well as me but you don't know me so that's not important ;)

no. the cooks go to metro life church, of "orlando" (technically casselberry).
beks goes to grace church of winter garden.
BUT you're close because GC was planted out of MLC 10 months ago.

Rebekah Schwab said...

thanks for answering for me dams.

yeah courtney, after i asked you that question, i looked at the picture closer and say the name of the photographer. still a 'cool' picture. (sorry, i just couldn't help myself).

Anonymous said...

boy, i have alot to get caught up on.