22 April 2007


"but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint"
~Isaiah 40:31~

How many times have I read that verse and breezed right over it? "Yay! another chapter finished. moving on." It's printed on bookmarks, keychains, notebook covers, greeting cards. How many times have I seen it and not taken it to heart? Far too often, I confess.

Today Wayne preached on the 40th chapter of Isaiah. As almost all the messages in this series have been, this message was exceedingly applicable. It was entitled "Comfort of God's Promise" focusing on His greatness and His strength in our weaknesses. I don't really know how to write it out without just re-teaching all that Wayne said. in that case, you can just listen to the message.

anyways. I was reminded that God is way ahead of us all. always. Why do we worry about tomorrow, when He had it all planned out before time begun? I find myself not trusting God in the little things and in the not so little things. Sometimes I feel weak when I have to constantly pray for help. well, duh! wake up Rebekah. of course you're weak. and the good news is, He welcomes our cries for help and freely lifts my burdens. it is a sign of humility to be constantly giving up my cares to Him, all I have to do is ask, and submit it to Him. Now I am just preaching to myself. Sorry. getting off course.

In this, I see my self-sufficiency. (and impatience, but that's another story). My tendency is to think I know best, and if everyone did everything my way, everything would be sunshine and daisies. But what I am really saying is that God's strength is not enough to solve my problems and that I have to take care of it myself. Wayne asked the question: are you such a controller you can't live on God's terms? He also pointed out that that is having thoughts of God that are too small. I was convicted of that. as much as I would not like to think of it that way, it's true- I have diminished God in my mind, and created a false image of Him. that is idolatry. and that is sin.
I must repent (to completely turn around), and continue to give up my life to Him, trusting Him as all I need. easier said than done. but He is faithful, even when we are not, and He will not disapoint or let down. because He is gracious and loving, and blesses His beloved.

Not sure how to end this, so I shall let my friend Solomon sum it up in his words:

"Trust in the Lord with all oyur heart,
and lean not on your own undertanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones."
~Proverbs 3:5-8~

wow. that was long.