24 January 2007

snakes and railroads...


[credit goes to jake for the 6th 9th and 10th pics]


"The steps of a man are established by the LORD,

when he delights in His way;

Though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,

for the LORD upholds His hand."


18 January 2007

i love this kid...

**she's my "yellow pair of running shoes"**

04 January 2007

:nORTh cAROLINa:... HIGHlights

These pictures are all out of order. sorry.


...Laura [full name Miss Laura Holt. I couldn't find Remmington Steele to take a picture of him]......New Years day!! the trip home...


...some boys never grow up... ...50 years... ...ranger Who?...

...snowball fight! [can you tell we're from FL?]...
... self-portrait...

...gorgeous couple...
...another self-portait...